13 research outputs found

    Impasse of the Desire

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    Bu yazıda, öncelikle topolojik bir problem olan Königsberg Köprü Probleminin ne olduğu ve matematiksel olarak çıkmaza girmesinin nedenleri anlatılmış, bu problemin Freud’un rapor ettiği “Fare Adam” vakasının obsesif semptomları ile benzerliği ele alınmıştır. Daha sonra ise psikanalist Jacques Lacan’ın Fare Adam vakasını psiko-topolojik bakış açısı ile yorumlamasına (Cross-cap) ve belirtilerin sebeplerini R-Şeması ile açıklamasına yer verilmiştir. Lacan’ın Fare Adam vakasına ilişkin kavramsallaştırmasının, özellikle obsesif-kompulsif tarzda şikayetlerle başvuran kişilere yardımcı olabilmek için, alanda çalışan klinisyenlere ışık tutacağı değerlendirilmektedir.In this paper, first of all a topological problem, called as a Königsberg Bridges Problem and the impossibility of its solution with the acknowledged rules were explained. Next, the similarity in terms of the impossiblity of the Bridge Problem’s solutions and Freud’s Rat Man case’s symptoms were discussed. Finally, the interpretation of the Rat Man by Jacques Lacan using his psycho-topological explanations and R-Schema are explained in detail. The explanations made by Jacques Lacan about the Rat Man are thought to be helpful for those clinicians who work with the people, reporting obsessivecompulsive problems

    Ebeveyn kaybı ve kardeş doğumunun kendilik psikolojisi üzerine etkisi

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    Bu çalışmada psikojenik madde kullanımı ve öfke problemleri olarak yaşanan zorlukların kişinin kendilik psikolojisi açısından ele alınması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma Kohut’un kendilik-psikolojisi kuramı ve Mitchell’in kardeşlerin self üzerindeki rolü üzerine düşünceleri temelinde bir vaka üzerinden ele alınmıştır. Ayrıca böyle bir vaka ile karşılaşıldığında Kohut’un aktarım kuramı çerçevesinde terapistin rolünün ne olması gerektiği üzerinde durulmuştur.Publisher's Versio

    Ebeveyn Kaybı Ve Kardeş Doğumunun Kendilik Psikolojisi Üzerine Etkisi

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    Bu çalışmada psikojenik madde kullanımı ve öfke problemleri olarak yaşanan zorlukların kişinin kendilik psikolojisi açısından ele alınması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma Kohut’un kendilik-psikolojisi kuramı ve Mitchell’in kardeşlerin self üzerindeki rolü üzerine düşünceleri temelinde bir vaka üzerinden ele alınmıştır. Ayrıca böyle bir vaka ile karşılaşıldığında Kohut’un aktarım kuramı çerçevesinde terapistin rolünün ne olması gerektiği üzerinde durulmuştur.Publisher's Versio

    Annenin kişilik özelliği, ebeveyn tutumu ve kendiliknesnesi ihtiyacının kanserli çocuğunun uyumuna etkisi.

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    This thesis was done using quantitaive and qualitative methods. The aim of the quantitative part was to understand child cancer patients’ well-being in relation to their mother’s parenting, personality and selfobject needs. ANCOVA analyses revealed that when mothers who have high selfobject needs (primary narcisisstic relational needs) also have high level of conscientiousness personality trait or show high controlling parenting attitude towards their children, the children were reported as having more externalizing problem behaviors. However, when mothers who have high selfobject needs also have conscientiousness personality style at the highest level, the children were reported as not having many problem behaviors. Thus, the compensating role of being very highly conscientious among mothers who have high selfobject needs in reporting child problems were discussed. In the second part, two mothers’ selfobject experiences were investigated using qualitative narrative inquiry. Using narrative analysis, mothers’ selfobject needs in relation to experiencing cancer diaognose and treatment was elaborated comperatively, using interview transcripts.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    Annelerin çocuklarına yönelik tutumlarının okul öncesi çağdaki çocuklarının içe yünelik ve dışa yönelik davranış problemlerine etkisi :

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    This study aimed at revealing the mediational role of mothers̕ psychological adjustment between mothers̕ parental attitudes and their preschool children̕s behavioral problems relationship. The participants were 204 married mothers, 64 fathers, 195 chief teachers and 25 assistant teachers of preschool children aged between 1ư - 5 years-old, who are attending nurseries in different neighborhoods of Ankara. Prior to the main analyses, the reliability analyses of Child Behavior Check List - 1ư - 5 (CBCL ا 1ư - 5), and Caregiver-Teacher Report Form (C-TRF) were conducted. These analyses yielded many significant coefficients, though the strength of the correlations varied from low to high. Following the reliability analyses, Hierarchical Regression Analyses were performed to test the mediational role of mothers̕ psychological adjustment between their parental attitudes and children̕s internalizing, externalizing, and total behavior problems relationships. For these analyses, the variances accounted for by children̕s and mothers̕ demographic characteristics were controlled. Results revealed that, ءRejection of the Home Making Role̕ measure of PARI and Trait Anxiety measure explained the largest amount of variances while predicting the children̕s behavioral problems. According to hierarchical regression analyses, rejecting attitudes of mothers significantly associated with children̕s internalizing, externalizing, and total behavior problems. Moreover, mothers̕ rejecting attitudes significantly associated with their trait anxiety which is in turn associated with children̕s behavior problems. However, after controlling for the effect of trait anxiety, the relationship between mothers̕ rejecting attitudes and their children̕s behavior problems was disappeared. Therefore, mothers̕ trait anxiety was found to mediate their rejecting attitudes and preschool children̕s internalizing,M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Investigating psychometric properties of selfobject needs inventory in Turkish society

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    Bu çalışmada, narsistik bozukluklarda gözlenen kendiliknesnesi aktarımlarının anlaşılması amacı ile geliştirilen Kendiliknesnesi İhtiyaçları Envanteri’nin (KİE) Türk toplumundaki psikometrik özelliklerinin incelemesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma, iki farklı örneklem grubu ile yürütülmüştür. Ortalama yaşı 38.9 (SS = 6.32) olan 391 kişiden (305 kadın, 86 erkek) oluşan ilk örneklem ile Temel Bileşenler Analizi ve güvenirlik çalışması, ortalama yaşı 29.9 (SS = 10.65) olan 104 kişiden (76 kadın, 28 erkek) oluşan ikinci örneklem ile ise ölçüt geçerliği çalışması yürütülmüştür. Temel Bileşenler Analizi sonucu ortaya çıkan üç faktörlü yapı, “aynalanma/idealizasyon/ikizlik ihtiyacına yaklaşma”, “idealizasyon/ikizlik ihtiyacından kaçınma” ve “aynalanmadan kaçınma” olarak adlandırılmıştır. Bu faktörlerin Cronbach alfa iç tutarlık katsayıları sırasıyla .84, .79 ve .65; madde-toplam test puanı korelasyon katsayıları ise .25 ile .60 arasında bulunmuştur. Ölçüt geçerliği analizleri için faktörlerin Kişilerarası İlişki Boyutları Ölçeği (KİBÖ) ve Temel Kişilik Özellikleri Ölçeği (TKÖÖ) boyutları arasındaki ilişkisi incelenmiştir.Selfobject Needs Inventory (SONI) is a scale developed to measure the orientation of an adult toward selfobject needs. The aim of this study was to investigate psychometric properties of SONI in Turkish society. The research was carried out on two samples. Principal Component Analysis and reliability analysis were performed on 391 subjects (305 women and 86 men) with the average age of participants as 38.9 years (SD = 6.32). Criterion- related validity indicators were investigated on 104 subjects (76 women and 28 men) with the average age of participants as 29.91 years (SD = 10.65). Principal Component Analysis results revealed 3-factor structure and factors were named as “approach orientation toward mirroring, idealization/twinship”, “avoidance orientation from idealization/twinship” and “avoidance orientation from mirroring”. Cronbach’s alphas for the factors were found as .84, .79, and .65, respectively; and item-total correlation coefficients ranged between .25 and .60. The relationships between SONI subscales, subscales of Scale of Dimensions of Interpersonal Relationships (SDIR) and subscales of Basic Personality Traits Inventory (BPTI) were used for concurrent validity

    The importance of mothers’ self cohesion when their children diagnosed with cancer (eng)

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    Kanser tanısı almış bir çocuğa sahip olmanın anneler üzerinde muazzam etkileri vardır. Genelde anneler duygularını “bir parçamı kaybediyormuşum gibi” şeklinde tanımlarlar. Bu travmatik deneyimin annelerin psikolojileri üzerindeki etkilerini anlamak için kendilik/kendilik bütünlüğü deneyimleri olarak anılan psikanalitik açıklamalar dikkate alınmalıdır. Bu çalışmada öyküsel sorgulama ve öyküsel analiz yöntemi kullanılarak karşılaştırmalı vaka analizi yapılmıştır. Çocukları kanser tanısı almış iki anne ile yaşadıkları travmatik deneyimler ve bunların kendilik-kendiliknesnesi ihtiyaçları ile ilişkisi konusunda görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Çocuğu kanser tanısı almış tüm anneler bu travmatik deneyimden aynı düzeyde etkilenmemektedir. Annelerin geçmiş ve şu andaki kendiliknesnesi aktarımlarını anlamak klinisyene doğru kişiye müdahale emesi için yardımcı olacaktır. Annelerin yaşadığı stresi psikanalitik bakış açısı ile ele almak ve bu düzeyde müdahale etmek sadece annelerin iyilik halini yükseltmeyecek aynı zamanda çocukların ve daha büyük ölçekte de toplumun iyilik haline katkıda bulunacaktır.Having a child with cancer has an enormous impact on their mothers. Usually mothers describe their feeling as “losing some part of themselves”. In order to understand this traumatic experience on mothers’ psychology, psychoanalytic explanations of self/self-cohesion experiences should be taken into account. In this study a comparative case analysis was performed using narrative inquiry and narrative analysis. Two mothers were chosen. Each mother was interviewed about their self-selfobject needs and its relation to their traumatic cancer experience. The narrative analysis revealed that, the mother who had a weak self cohesion before the diagnose reported more traumatic narratives in comparison to the mother who had a healthy self cohesion. Not all mothers with children who has cancer were affected to the same extent from this traumatic experience. Understanding mother’s earlier and present selfobject transferences will help clinician to intervene to the right person. Understanding mot-hers’ distress from the psychoanalytic perspective and intervene at that level not only improve mothers’ well-being but also the children’s and the society’s at large.Publisher's Versio

    Concerns and priority outcomes for children with advanced cancer and their families in the Middle East: A cross-national qualitative study

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    IntroductionPalliative care access is limited in the Middle-East, with few specialist centers and forcibly displaced migrants facing additional struggles to access care. Little is known about the specificities of providing palliative care to children and young people (CYP) with cancer. They are rarely asked directly their concerns and needs, which limits the provision of quality patient-centered care. Our study aims to identify the concerns and needs of CYP with advanced cancer and their families, in Jordan and Turkey.MethodA qualitative cross-national study in Jordan and Turkey with framework analysis was conducted two pediatric cancer centers in Jordan and Turkey. In each country, 25 CYP, 15 caregivers and 12 healthcare professionals participated (N=104). Most caregivers (70%) and healthcare professionals (75%) were women.ResultsWe identified five areas of concern: (1) Physical pain and other symptoms (e.g. mobility, fatigue); (2) Psychological concerns and needs (e.g. anger, psychological changes); (3) Spirituality, uncertainty over the future and use of “Tawakkul” (e.g. use of religion as a coping mechanism); (4) Negative impact on social life (e.g. social isolation, loss of support); (5) Burden on caregiver and their families (e.g. financial issues, siblings left behind). Psychological concerns were a priority for both CYPs and caregivers (particularly for refugee and displaced families) but often overlooked during routine care. CYP were able to share their own concerns and care priorities.ConclusionsAdvanced cancer care must ensure assessment and management of concerns across the concerns identified. Developing child- and family-centered outcomes would ensure monitoring the quality of care. Spirituality had a more important role compared to similar investigation in other regions